The Creativity Academy

Make creativity a competitive advantage in winning the battle for attention.

Creativity and Brand Building

We offer an interactive workshop that explains the role of creativity in transforming the performance of brands. We use among others case studies on how creativity can create global awareness overnight, or create brand out of a commodity, or premiumize a brand, or resurrect a dying brand, or win against a giant competitor.

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Self Assessing the Creativity of Your Brands

We can help you run a working session to assess the creative work of your brands. In the workshop marketers learn how to establish criteria to  judge creativity and use cues to establish the brand building  value of your creative work.

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Assessing Competitors’ Creativity

We can help you run a working session to review the creative work of your competitors to establish your  creative advantage or disadvantage.

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What Blocks Creativity in Your Company

If you believe that the creativity level of your communication could be enhanced you may consider an interactive session to help understanding what limits the ability of a company to reach a higher level of creativity: company culture, approval process, creative partners  or low creative ambition.

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Setting a Higher Creative Ambition

This is the starting point for a marketing team to deliver better creative work: setting a creative ambition is a decision that requires benchmarks, behaviours and a roadmap for brand team and agency.

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How to Write a Strong Creative Brief

We can coach your team on how to write a creative brief that empowers the agency to explore a higher level of creativity while staying close to the communication objectives.

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How to Assess a Creative Proposal

We coach marketers to recognize the attention-getting role of creativity and adopt the best practices when reacting to creative work both in terms of fit with the communication objective as well as formulating a feedback on the execution.

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How Good is Your Creative Agency

We can help you assess the creative caliber of your agency and importantly, the role you play as a client in your agency portfolio, as this determines the type of resources and level of effort you attract as a client.

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How Much do you Pay a Creative Agency

We help you define the most cost effective combination between what level of service you need from your agency, how much you should pay and how to structure the agency fees.

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Running a Creative Pitch

We can help you assess the need and assist in the agency pitch process, helping you to decide when to repitch creative or media, how to run a pitch to find the best partner to serve your needs, what services to buy and what fee structure to adopt.

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The Best of Cannes Lions Tailor-Made for You

Attending the Cannes week is a must for marketers who work in companies with a high creative ambition: If your team cannot attend we can bring Cannes to you in the form of key learnings that can be adopted to increase the level of creativity of your brands

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Compete for the Creative Marketer of the Year

The Creative Marketer of the Year is an annual award that the Cannes Lions recognizes to companies that excel in leveraging creaivity to build strong brands. Learn how winners like Coca Cola, Unilever, McDonals, Heineken got there and how this award reflected on employees  motivation, partners’ effort and company performance.

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